Wednesday 20 April 2011

i wish i could have everything di duniaaa..=O

hahah... mcm sial je nk tau sume bnde... pernh x korg trase nk bli CaMera yg mmg mhl... pkai aifon ?? ad ruma besa gedabak..sape yg da ad sume bnde nie..kompem ar hdup die x pnah busan... ye ker?? ak rase cmx ad moto ..hehe..

ak ade ar sorg membe nie... he is 'On-theline ' with someone... hahha.. kdg2 ..

ak jeles gak ngan die nie.... ad someone tp stil x gumbira...ha...but... ak syok
gaban doe kwn ngan die... bile ak rase cm nk commit -suicide..hahah.. x d ear.mksod ak.. tension terok ar..die ar still sggup advice ak spye x yhar nk pikir pasl bnde2 yg x pnting.. contoh.. prangai kengkwn ak yg bikin sakit hti di sekola.., EXAM, aweks, n the most crucial things in ma life..that is losing weight.... hahha..

so... my life will not be going on without all of my loved ones.. esp/ all of ma friends...... friends that i would never think i would had in ma life...

want me to mention their names.... hahah... hmm... pull your eyes down ...


Allah ... thanks for giving me such a nice friends to be with...

hah.... ak bru je blik dr lake ... port for stressful studenrs meh... =p

..aslnye da bwk da bku admat... huh.. reference book gle kau.... tbal deh... huh..

masok2 libs....

took a seat.. then,,, a waste af time.. nearly 2 hours sitting there.. make use of the access wi-fi... n finally ... 6 .. there it is....went back.. n im noe=w sitting in front of my lappie .. wasting ma time posting these... hahHA.. anyung haseyo.....=-=''

Sunday 10 April 2011

intan shafiii n haziq baharum..... ak maleH nk pg tucen wei.. haddoi.. nie la kot sbb nye ak

slalu x pg..haha.. back to here... smlm pkck ak balek der...hahah..apelg..x blek umh ar..

ahah..tgh syok2 men.. ad plak DrFAdzillah kamsaH ''wannabe'' slow je kat blakang...

'Ziq... syok yer maen..igt sket..kmu nk exm taon nie... result pmr kamu tuh bkn nye bleh bwk pg intervew keje pn... ank mkcik sblh umah tu.. x klua klua umh.. buat revision aje kejenyer..kamu ?? jgn jadik cm upsr sudah..."..katanye...

wannabe person tuh is ma mkcik... she works at MOE.. deal with all the academic stuffs and exams..haa... bia ar.. ak student la weh..
bkn stupid..
xkn all the time nk menelaah bku kot... dh le hw byk... keje kat umh lg... hahaa..

do u think that students needs an extra work at home..

hahh.. clise kot smbg pasl exam hou... as a student..
thn je ar tlinge tu yer..

x phm btlla... hw kasik dh le byk... cmne nk study... taola korg msti ckp..'pndai2 la bhagi mase kn....''...

what is the nex action... ?

to be continued....

Wednesday 6 April 2011

haa... ad sket bnde mao kasi tau kt doresha ngan miss haiya.. and mr can u spell.. ihave no

dicscrimination n violent against the people that i wrote of before... the most thing that is

prohibited is backstab ma own frens.. it just like when u eat 'DURIAN' and u choke the rest of

it.. its just out of mind rite?.that is the same that goes along with the issue .. the person that i told before is not in my besties list.... haha... no worries haa?.=p

talk about that stuff... i just cant get into the fact that why the PERAK'S box Office film that was directed by mak mart car laid was just been my words everyday.. e.g





hahah.. walopn that film xde sgt morals in it...bahh...gempak der ..sume org kat m'sia obsessed kot ngan ucopppp.... haha... begahansor dulu la yer.. nnti teman cite kat kome sume lg yer... =)

Tuesday 29 March 2011

haa... ok sket ar kot skang.. haha,, h/w suma da settle... sej, math, bio,..... bru le rase ad free taim skett kot... smlm blek lmbt skola lmbat gak ar.. watpa?? hah.. plan mao study.. las2 wat h/w yg x pnah takde..hahah.. ngan sape??.. hahah.. pas 2 .. tetibe rase 'pns ' lak dga ''windnews''@direct transltioN(HAha)... ad jgk org yg x poas hti ngan ak... ntah,, ape mslah die ak pon x tao... kdg2.. baek sgt.. kdg2 ..ringan plak tangan ak ble tgk die wat prangai.. sape die..ak x yh ar kot mention .. bnde bleh settle der.. tp.. ble tnye die..
ckp .. saje la.. men2 la.. ingat ak nie ape doe nak men2..?? ha.. ak tao la skang ak slow pick-up sket .. tp.. x pyh ar nak ske2 hati 'FIRE'' org x pkai HELLmet.. haish... bikin ak tension saja bah... hari nie plak.. blaja sej ngn math je.. ha..sbb satu hari dok dlm dwan dga cgu shahid ngan cgu aro kasi cramah...haha..walopn rase MAHAmengantok...(MAHA = prefixes).. Byk gak yg ak dpt .. hah. igt x yh ar nk workhard utk bm.. haddoi..susah meh nk dapt A+..byk gak kne improve... arine staybek... ha.. dlm klas.. ank pak cik ESA dok pkse ank pkcik B ... ''wei..kalo baju bwh rm30..hg nk bli x?? "hhaha.. finally.. settle..pas 2..seb bek ad kwn ak Haziq..klo ak stat pning wat h/w,,, die la kaunter pertnyaan.. fakhrul... haha.. BDK STRET A mehh..hahha...x abeh2 . bwat lawak..jadik org nomad jap tadik.. ha.. bpindh dri klas ke klas... hahah... kalo stay.. kne plak mara ngan cik HAIYAA,.. soe ye mek.. ak lupe nk bwk buku admat mu.. si DORESHA plak nk race wat h/w... hahha.. mek... kau mng la yer.. =)..hahah.. nk cte skett.. ak klo ad prob .. tgk mke mUkmin je.. houh,, x leh stop glak.. hhah.. tmbh2.. ble die wat mke cam afdlin shauki.. =)..yg membe ak sorg lgik plak..jap2 hlg.. nak dok sorg2.. ak nk smbg pn susah... ha.. tp..klo pasal glak.. xyh cite.. mmg x leh stop ...sbb tu kot byk bnde ak cpat lupe skang.. hahha..

fokus utama dlm routine ak skang.. STUDY PLAN.. ha..cgu maths ak ad ar motivate kiteorg dlm klas arituh.. jgn bzir mase.. plan nk study.. sistematik.. haiyoo... jgn tegk tB???byk bnde lg kot.. sume bnde 2 wat ak lagik nebess nk amek peksa,,,, bwu ak igt.. ppth bunyik bgini...'if u fail to plan,, u plan to fail..''. wsslm.....

Tuesday 22 March 2011

keshah de?

huh...thank god...i've completed this 'beloq' on ma own... lantak ar korg nak ckp pe pon.. old skool ke, bute iT ke....ade ak kesah ... finally ..siap gak an... hahaa... dun be mad haa... heheh...

 why this early months 2011 such a hell year for me??
i dont think it is a fate.... so 'siot' 4 me haa? ak rase cam  bangang ar taon nie... study ?? ok...class?? ok...result?? ok in a CRITICAL ways... hahh.... all my frens keep their good effort n stay in a way that could make them in a right track to success.... i had  just following them... but they use a ToUcH n gO Transit...  haah...  i felt my brain is not ready yet to fight in a'WAR' 4 the comi'n is a recovering process.. hopefully.. i could change the way i perform ... thanks yeah..=)
