Sunday 10 April 2011

intan shafiii n haziq baharum..... ak maleH nk pg tucen wei.. haddoi.. nie la kot sbb nye ak

slalu x pg..haha.. back to here... smlm pkck ak balek der...hahah..apelg..x blek umh ar..

ahah..tgh syok2 men.. ad plak DrFAdzillah kamsaH ''wannabe'' slow je kat blakang...

'Ziq... syok yer maen..igt sket..kmu nk exm taon nie... result pmr kamu tuh bkn nye bleh bwk pg intervew keje pn... ank mkcik sblh umah tu.. x klua klua umh.. buat revision aje kejenyer..kamu ?? jgn jadik cm upsr sudah..."..katanye...

wannabe person tuh is ma mkcik... she works at MOE.. deal with all the academic stuffs and exams..haa... bia ar.. ak student la weh..
bkn stupid..
xkn all the time nk menelaah bku kot... dh le hw byk... keje kat umh lg... hahaa..

do u think that students needs an extra work at home..

hahh.. clise kot smbg pasl exam hou... as a student..
thn je ar tlinge tu yer..

x phm btlla... hw kasik dh le byk... cmne nk study... taola korg msti ckp..'pndai2 la bhagi mase kn....''...

what is the nex action... ?

to be continued....

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